- Each team tries to direct the ball into the opponent's
goal using any part of the body except the hands or arms. If the whole
ball goes over the goal line into the goal, 1 goal is awarded.

Number of Field Players
- In U19, U16, U14, U12, and U10, there are a maximum
of 11 players per team on the field during play. U8 teams play with 9 players
on a smaller field. Seven or more players per team are required in order
to start or maintain a game.
- Properly trained referees will be present at
each game. A game cannot start until a registered referee is present.
- If the whole ball goes over the touch line (sideline)
the team, the ball touched last prior to its going out of bounds, loses
possession of the ball. A "throw-in" is awarded to the opposition
at the point where the ball went out of bounds. The throw-in is taken with
both feet on the ground, the feet being on or behind the touch line, and
the ball must be thrown with both hands from behind and over the top of
the head in a continuous movement.
- If the ball goes over the goal line but not into
the goal, and touched the defending team last, a "corner kick"
is awarded to the offensive team. The ball is placed within the corner
arc and kicked by an offensive player.
- If the ball was last touched by an offensive
player, prior to going over the goal line but not into the goal, a goal
kick is awarded to the defending team. The ball must be kicked from within
the goal area out of the penalty area before the ball is considered to
be back in play.
Penalty Kick
- If a penal foul is committed by the defending
team inside their own penalty area, a "penalty kick" shall be
awarded to the offensive team. This kick is taken from the penalty mark.
The defensive goalkeeper is the only defensive player who may attempt to
stop the "penalty kick". All players other than the goalkeeper
and kicker must be outside the penalty area and the penalty arc until the
"penalty kick" has been taken, and must also be at least 12 yards
from the goal line

- An offensive player is in an offside position
if he/she is: In the opponent's half of the field..Ahead of the ball (closer
than the ball to the opponent's goal line) .There are fewer than two opponents
even with or between the offensive player and the opponent's goal.
- If a player is called offside, Indirect Free
Kick is taken by the opposing team from the position of the offside player
(not the position of the ball).